What are passkeys?
BloFin now supports Fast Identity Online (FIDO) passkeys as a two-factor authentication method. Passkeys allow you to enjoy password-free login and withdraw without the need for verification codes while being the most secure option to protect your account.
Learn more about FIDO at: https://fidoalliance.org/fido2/
"App lock" and "Passkey" are two different concepts that vary in terms of application security and access control. "App lock" is a security feature at the application level, protecting access to BloFin. On the other hand, "Passkey" is a security measure used for authentication during login or withdrawal submissions.
If you want to use YubiKey or biometric authentication for login and withdrawals, please follow an additional step. The information associated with app lock will not be utilized for identity verification in these cases.
Create a passkey
1. Before you create a passkey, make sure you at least have:
A mobile device with iOS 16.0.0+ or Android 9.0+, or above
A USB security key that supports the FIDO2 protocol
Update your BloFin APP to the latest version
2. Log in your BloFin account, click the Account button on the home page and select Account & Security.
3. Find the Passkeys in Account & Security.
4. Select Add Passkeys and complete the security verification.
5. If you want to create your passkey with your current device, select Continue and complete the biometric authentication/PIN code on your device.
6. If you want to create your passkey on a different device, select Other Options
- Select iPhone, iPad, or Android device and then use the other device to scan the QR code and complete the authentication.
- Select Security key (only available on iOS devices), and then insert your security key and follow the instructions to create your passkey.
Note: To add a YubiKey to the passkey, you must first set a PIN for it. Please visit our website to add the YubiKey or set the FIDO2 PIN using the YubiKey Manager app.
Verify with passkey
Passkey verification is currently conducted during both the login and withdraw processes. Once you have enabled the passkey feature, here is the process to verify it during the login flow:
Verify with your current device
1. Log in to your account.
2. You'll be prompted to use passkey to sign in.
3. Or you can close the window and select Log in with password to sign in
Verify with another device (Only available on iOS devices)
1. Log in to your account.
2. You'll be prompted to use passkey to sign in and select Other Sign In Options.
3. Select iPhone, iPad, or Android device and select Continue to get a QR code.
4. Use your other device to scan the QR code to sign in to BloFin.
Rename passkey
You can go to menu > Profile > Account & Security > Passkeys to rename your passkey to help you identify the passkey easily.
Remove passkey
If you happen to exceed the limit of 10 passkeys for your account, you can remove any unused passkeys.
Note: removing your passkeys may potentially lower the security level of your account or device. It is highly recommended to consider the associated risks before proceeding.